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"Be Here Now!"

Donald M. Kaesser, Ph.D., P.C.
I am a Licensed Psychologist & Certified Health Service Provider in Psychology in the State of Iowa.
PHONE: 515-240-7997
I see adult individuals and couples and use Existential, Gestalt, Cognitive-Behavioral, Logotherapy, and brain/body-based methods with relationship issues, anxiety, depression, sexuality difficulties, chemical dependency, and addictions using my state-of-the-art Psychotherapeutic skill set.
I have a keen interest and am reading and studying in Brain Based psychotherapies to include Interpersonal Neurobiology (INB), Polyvagal Theory, as well Sensory Motor Psychotherapy (SP) and am currently obtaining training and certification in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing) ala Shapiro and SP (80 clock hrs) ala Pat Ogden for a more complete body-based treatment for trauma victims. I have been accepted as a training Fellow with the Integrated Psychiatric Institute (IPI) for one year beginning January 2022..
While not yet a member of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (aasect) I have taken 58 clock hours of aasect approved (CEU's) in Evergreen Colorado from Drs. Ruth Morehouse and the late David Schnarch who devised and operate clinical treatment training in what is known as the "Passionate Marriage" and/or "The Sexual Crucible" approach to couples sexuality...this is a 2nd-3rd generation differentiation based sex therapy approach that is beyond the Masters and Johnson approach but subsumes it in it's treatment of couples relationships in the sexual arena.
Individual therapy, couples/relationship issues, substance abuse issues, depression, anxiety, grief, aging, sexuality issues as well as sexual orientation issues, and family matters are among the range of aspects of people's lives on which I effectively treat utilizing my 35+ years in direct clinical practice to integrate a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) approach with a Bowen family Systems approach in order to help individuals and couples deal more effectively with life and the inevitable joys and tribulations that occur in all intimate relationships.
My goals are to help people in addressing issues that have become obstacles in their lives and to help them meet their goals in the context of an honest, caring and direct co-created professional relationship. I utilize psychological testing and whatever is needed to help you understand your process and how it may be blocking you in your life. Adjunctively, I use Existential Psychotherapy in the form of Logotherapy (ala Viktor Frankl) and Gestalt Therapy (ala Fritz Pearls) to further extend your therapy process and to include the human/spiritual dimension in our work. I encourage both therapeutic reading and 'letter writing' as appropriate as well as referrals to physicians for psychotropic medications when/if appropriat
For payment, I only take BC/BS Insurance or cash @ $180/50-minute session...AND IF I'm NOT taking new clients when you check...Please try back in 30 days.